CDs & Magazines - Colchester Recalled

Colchester Recalled Oral History Group
Colchester Recalled
Oral History Group
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CDs & Magazines
CDs for Sale
We have three CDs for sale, each costing £9 (including UK postage)

  • The Essex Ballads  - dialect poems recorded in the dying North Essex accent.

  • Essex At War  - individual recordings of local people about aspects of life in Colchester & District during World War II, including memories of the St Botolph's Corner bombing.

  • The Century Speaks - recorded memories of local people throughout the 20th century, beginning with the Jubilee of Queen Victoria in 1897!
To obtain your copies, please send an order to Peter Evans. You can pay by cheque or bank transfer and full details are on Peter's page.  Please be sure to send us YOUR ADDRESS and tell us which CD(s) you want.

Me, nao, sir, I don't howd 'ith these Board Schools;
Thäy larn the booys too much, my thinkin, now.
An' what I see, there's jest as many fools
As when thäy put the young uns to the plough.

listen to an extract:
1942 The Bomb in Chapel Street

listen to an extract:
The police & the North Gang
Listening to a Colchester Recalled CD at a display in Colchester Town Hall
Colchester Recalled Magazine
Our magazine 'Colchester Recalled' is an illustrated A4  booklet. All the stories in it are written by local people - though some  are exiles from as far away as Edinburgh. There are now 37 editions of  the magazine, each of which is 'timeless', carrying local pictures and  stories from former days.  The latest edition of our magazine is usually available for purchase at Gunton's delicatessen in Crouch Street, Colchester.  Hard copies of a number of our earlier editions can also be obtained by contacting Andrew Phillips. Two sample magazines from our early years are shown below- click on the picture to view.

Magazine Back Copies
On this page we have included a number of Colchester Recalled Magazine back copies, which are free for you to view.  As time goes on more files will be added to the list so keep checking on this page for the latest additions. Although these files are being made available at no cost, if you would like to make a donation (cheque or bank transfer) to assist in the ongoing work of the Colchester Recalled Oral History Group, then you may do so by sending it to our Treasurer Peter Evans.
The Magazines below are Free to View
Colchester Recalled Magazine No 1
(Our first issue from September 1996 which includes memories of Colchester's Sailing Barges)
(Evacuees, Colchester Barges, the Hythe and the Playhouse Cinema)
Colchester Recalled Magazine No 3
(Old Health Remedies, Thorrington Mill, Christmas Time, Robert Bultitude and the Tweed family)
Colchester Recalled Magazine No 4
(Before the Welfare State, Birch School, Brightlingsea, Life on the Barges and Farm Life)
Colchester Recalled Magazine No 5
(Black Notley Hospital, Lexden Street, The War Years, Colchester Trams and Roast Mouse!)
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